18th October 2018

Eco-Friendly Greetings Cards


All Our Paper is FSC Accredited – and here’s where much of it is produced.

We were recently invited by our printing partner, Windles Group,  to visit the Iggesund paper mill at Wokington – where the Incada board is produced which we use for many of our designs. Here we saw first had the care and attention to detail that goes into producing the high quality card which we use for all of our beautiful designs.

Workington Mill is an integrated pulp and paperboard mill and since 2013 it has been powered entirely by fossil carbon-free bioenergy. It was so inspiring to see this impressive plant which is run in such an environmentally-friendly way.

We were particularly struck with the incredible processes employed to turn a tree into usable logs in one swift process. (Click here to see a film of this process).

Using high quality paper, produced here in the UK from sustainable sources, is an important part of our mission to create fresh and delightful designs which don’t cost the planet.

Lucilla Lavender cards are printed in England on high quality, FSC accredited board and are individually cellowrapped.

LL Welsh Additions 2018

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